the cheeky elitist

Posts Tagged ‘gin’

the beauty of age

In dreams, life, people watching, writing on July 19, 2011 at 8:35 am

these two ladies hobbled in with canes and perched themselves at the table closest the bar. 

the one with the hat pointed to a younger lady at the bar and asked, “oh, what’s she having?”

the bartender said, “she’s having the special.”
he began to detail the ingredients.
“you can stop at vodka. i only drink gin. i’m old.”
then she said, “but anyway, i’d like some gin.” she motioned toward her friend. “she’ll take her vodka.”
then these two marines walked by in full uniform, and the sassy one–the one with the hat–followed them out with her eyes. she turned back around, smiled, and faced the bartender.
“make it a double. but anyway…”